Learning Objectives

On successful completion of this workshop and its activities, participants will have demonstrated the ability:

  • To explore the different roles and responsibilities involved in running a business and, more specifically, a social enterprise.
  • To investigate examples of different types of social enterprises, their products and purposes;
  • To examine different operating activities, operating costs and different cost structures;
  • To examine different pricing strategies;
  • To explore the stages in a social enterprise value chain.

Alignment to National Secondary School Curriculum

The following are Caribbean Examination Council’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) subject areas that are considered synergistic with the SSEI Programme:

  1. Principles of Business – Section 6 (Marketing);
  2. Other specific technical subjects (Clothing & Textile; Food & Nutrition; Wood Work; Information Technology; etc.).

Workshop - Value chain, cost structure & key activities

The Value Chain, Cost Structure & Key Activities workshop will focus on the internal aspects of the business model, providing participants with the opportunity to consider the range of activities necessary to deliver their product or service to their customer segments. Participants will be introduced to concepts that will aid them to develop each aspect of their value chain, help them to think through their operating costs, the cost structure as well as pricing approach and, importantly, their organisational structure and core team.

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